SubstancePainter · Maya · UE4
C a p t a i n C r u n c h

I reconceptualized Crunch (Paragon) to match the color palette of Marvel’s superhero Captain America using Substance Painter.

Software Used

Modeling / Texturing / Rendering

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Main Concept

Captain Crunch is a New York city reconnaissance and emergency combat robot launched and administered by a subsidiary organization set up by Captain America.

The robot is about 3.5 meters tall and gets replaced every 15 years. This unit is currently on its seventh year of service, and has seen combat three times so far.

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Smart Materials & Smart Masks

First, I created a smart material based on my concept art. Then I dived each mesh based on the different material areas. I used smart masks for this, which can be reused later.

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Rendering on UE4

I added shield as static mesh component on original Crunch. A shield mesh has to set parent socket as "hand_l" for following his left hand movement.

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UE4 · Zbrush · Maya · SubstancePainter
D i g i t a l W i l l e m D a f o e